Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The upgrade

Chanelle starred at me in sheer disbelief and horror, eyes wide open and ears pointing to the ceiling, the other cats had ran away: the first green smoothie in the new Vita-mix blender was just finished and ready for consumption. I was wondering, was Vitamix really doing a better job than a regular blender? (It'd better with this kind of price tag).

I had tried out a combination of kale, a banana, yogurt and some ice cubes plus a scoop of progreens dried micronutrients. Once I pushed all the ingredients towards the blade, it did a great job emulsifying the ingredients. There was not a simple lump of ice in the smoothie, and the kale was finely chopped. My one regret: I think kale does not work for me in smoothie, it is too bitter and has too much fiber. Baby spinach is still my base of choice for a green smoothie, sweet and tender. Otherwise? Great!

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