Thursday, September 23, 2010

Porcini Madness

Since the weather has been just right for mushrooms to, well, mushroom (a lot of rain and warm temperatures), I went into the woods behind my house again to see if I would find more chanterelles at the location from last time. I did not, but instead I found porcinis. And not just a few, a whole lot of them. For someone considered quite optimistic bringing this basket last time, today I basically had to give up when the basket was filled to the brim.

After sharing the bounty with some friends, dinner tonight was simple: sauteed porcini in butter and with shallots, sour cream, chopped parsley and simply a slice of rye sourdough bread. Most of them, I will dry for the winter.

Another great recipe idea for wild mushroom: Risotto with mushroom and clams.

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